Friday, September 16, 2011


If you've captured an image using HBGARY's FDPRO to create an HPAK and need to export the memdump.bin file in Ubuntu, use:

$ wine fdpro.exe path_to_.hpak -hpak extract memdump.bin

Monday, March 7, 2011

Windows 7 Bit-Locker Encrypted?

check your volume for \x2d\x46\x56\x45\x2d\x46\x53\x2d

Thursday, December 23, 2010

45 Minute Video on the Chrome Developer Tools

Web Inspector Shortcuts

Here are some useful shortcut keys for Web Inspector. For instance: CTRL+SHIFT+I starts the "Developer Tools" in Google Chrome.

Shortcut Keys


MacWindows / Linux
Show Web Inspector⌥⌘ICtrl-Alt-I
Show Error Console⌥⌘CCtrl-Alt-C
Start Profiling Javascript⌥⇧⌘PCtrl-Alt-P

Chrome & Chromium

MacWindows / Linux
Show Web Inspector⌥⌘ICtrl-Shift-I
Show Error Console⌥⌘JCtrl-Shift-J

Web Inspector

MacWindows / Linux
Next Panel⌘]Ctrl-]
Previous Panel⌘[Ctrl-[
Toggle ConsoleEscEsc
Focus Search Box⌘FCtrl-F
Find Next⌘GCtrl-G
Find Previous⇧⌘GCtrl-Shift-G


MacWindows / Linux
Next SuggestionTabTab
Previous Suggestion⇧TabShift-Tab
Accept SuggestionRightRight
Previous Command / LineUpUp
Next Command / LineDownDown
Previous Command⌃P
Next Command⌃N
Clear History⌘K or ⌃LCtrl-L

Elements Panel

MacWindows / Linux
Expand/Collapse NodeRight/LeftRight/Left
Expand NodeDouble-Click on tagDouble-Click on tag
Edit AttributeReturn or Double-Click on attributeEnter or Double-Click on attribute

Styles Pane

MacWindows / Linux
Edit RuleDouble-ClickDouble-Click
Edit Next/Previous PropertyTab/⇧TabTab/Shift-Tab
Insert New PropertyDouble-Click on whitespaceDouble-Click on whitespace
Increment/Decrement ValueUp/DownUp/Down
Increment/Decrement Value by 10⇧Up/⇧DownShift-Up/Shift-Down
Increment/Decrement Value by 10PageUp/PageDownPageUp/PageDown
Increment/Decrement Value by 100⇧PageUp/⇧PageDownShift-PageUp/Shift-PageDown
Increment/Decrement Value by 0.1⌥Up/⌥DownAlt-Up/Alt-Down


MacWindows / Linux
Select Next Call Frame⌃.Ctrl-.
Select Previous Call Frame⌃,Ctrl-,
ContinueF8 or ⌘/F8 or Ctrl-/
Step OverF10 or ⌘'F10 or Ctrl-'
Step IntoF11 or ⌘;F11 or Ctrl-;
Step Out⇧F11 or ⇧⌘;Shift-F11 or Ctrl-Shift-;
Evaluate Selection⇧⌘ECtrl-Shift-E
Toggle Breakpoint ConditionClick on line numberClick on line number
Edit Breakpoint ConditionRight-Click on line numberRight-Click on line number